Discovered an alien !
I tell you, in this forum our friend named @Ziricom is not just a mere human. he's definitely an alien, he just knows too much. How could he remember so many things! I wonder ! I have been reading his...
View ArticleVirgin media mac sniff
Hi, I have been trying to 'sniff' for a mac for my modem I cannot find any atall just shows all blanks ? can anyone help
View ArticleTWC Config File
Would anyone have a TWC config file that runs above 15 meg. It has been satisfactory lately but I feel that I can get better in my area. Any help would be appreciated.
View ArticleInteresting:
Sent a priv msg to one person re: my site address that is yet to be published.. 3 people visit at same time.. the only one I sent it to, would take longer to let other's know, despite being asked not...
View ArticleCalgary man soars over city in lawn chair attached to helium balloons.
Calgary man soars over city in lawn chair attached to helium balloons. Only in Canada.......
View Articlei need help pls (puerto rico) this is my log
d1.1 sb5101 i can't force my config like before and the ip doesn't work 2 even the spoof somebody can hit me a liitle tip pls... ---------------------------------------- 2015-07-06 22:59:57 Notice...
View ArticleSome guidance needed
Ok so i used fastcert to get some CRT. Now I'm trying to convert them so i can load them via hax0 but certtxt errors out so i tried using buzzcert and it wont give me an output neither. How can i...
View ArticleI'm back!!
After having been gone on the road working and such I havnt had must time to get online and test but I have a few questions I've been wanting to get back into and thought there was more to this forum...
hi everyone i have the webstar modem modded and i want to use it to clone a sub modem but the sub modem we have here is arris and i find it difficult to clone.if i am corrected i think i need certs....
View ArticleTWC Config
Hello all, Can someone send me a TWC config please. Also any docs on exporting certs from a SB6121 to SB6120 if we still need to or is it easier to just call and have them update my modem on my account...
View ArticleCisco UBR CMTS Clone Detection
Today I would like to talk about how would one bypass Clone Detection on a Cisco UBR out of the blue for no reason at all. I have been reading up on them lately, it seems as though there are still a...
View ArticleI think I broke my surfboard
First, TWC did something to my cable (I think) and I wasn't aloud to surf using chrome or connect to xbox live. Curious enough I opened tor and browsing worked. Trying to find a solution I stumbled...
View ArticleNo longer able to force configs TWC
Well it looks like the hammer has finally fallen, Forcing configs is a thing of the past here in my area of so cal with TWC. Im surprised it took this long, not to worry, there are still ways, but that...
View ArticleWas the site down?
Couldnt get on here or ping the forums for a good 4 hours, anyone know WTF Happened? did the defibrillator have to be brought in again?
View Articlesb5101, 1 issue (constant reboots) and 1 question (Force Config File)
Hi and thanks in advance for any information. I have a 5101 modem with haxor 1.1 r39, my ISP uses BPI+ 1.1. I had my modem working without issues or reboots for a while my configs were not encripted...
View ArticleWhat's your modems wireless default passphrase ?
Hello all!, I recently have been doing some (what i consider) fun research with cable modems, not directly attacking them physically, but some minor 802.11 security research. I've recently found out...
View ArticleDefault ISP Technician Modem login credentials
Nothing special here just wanted to provide people with the default Technician credentials that ISPs use to do things to your modems with. Time Warner Cable: MODEL: DWG875 TYPE: ThomsonAP USERNAME:...
View Articlehack a comcast Cisco SB3 modem?
I wanna hack the modem so i can change my mac to change my ip, since nothing else ever works
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