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Help bad news

Hello everyone, I have had a Motorola SB6141 and had it working on comcast for several years pulling 80 to 100 megs so I move and had no choice but to pay for the new service being FTTH anyways I moved...

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ARRIS TG1672 cli to busybox

I got into the cli but a lot of features are restricted. How can I get busybox or remove the restrections? Console> [ERROR] DEBUG - Entering arrisCleanupHosts [ERROR] DEBUG - Exiting...

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isp point for the ubee ambit dd3513? ?

I have a test clip for the 6120 it seem have same chip on board just need to know the isp point I don't know how to mod the jtag to make power to the chip that's why I need isp point

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pull back of the question

Sorry, had a weak moment. I want to revoke the question. Delete button was gone already. Enjoy your life.

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need help on sb5100

hello guys, when i upcap the speed the file also get upload from tftp and successful get online but i am getting the default speed that i have in my plan so its there any way to by pass this thing.....

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SB5100i Debrick help

I have flashed my sb5100 with haxorware is now bricked. I have PJTAG, when trying to flash a backup firmware using ldram 9fc00000 , tom's jtag utility is showing error "Address out of range" Here is...

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SB5101 Haxorware 1.1 rev39

Cable hathway india had change their settings, no longer uses config file but it seems that sb5101 is no longer working (Haxorware 1.1 rev39 I have try using few config files but not no success at all...

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Accidentally Deleted my Config File, any way to get it back?

I'm sure this is a futile attempt, but I recently found that my config file that was written for my modem on Haxorware 1.1 R39 was deleted from the flash memory. Is there any way to get it back? (other...

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Is there a comprehensive guide?

Hello. I just found the interesting concept of "uncapping your cable modem" and it led me here. I have a SB6141 on TWC internet and I already have the highest plan in my area. I'm not interested really...

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5101, am i just missing a config file? Wallgardened

With a 5101 i get operational status, but when i open up the browser i get wallgardened, and trying an open dns setting doesnt help this. Im not forcing any config file. I have bpi+ docsis 1.1 enabled,...

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RCN Config File?

Does anyone have anything that works in the Northeast(MA) for RCN? I used to do this in Texas on Comcast years ago, but not sure if RCN is even possible now?

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Folks I have a stupid question but cant figure out the meaning. Someone can hints me what does UBFI stand for? I believe it comes from UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface but more likely...

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not sure what I'm doing Help?

Haxorware status says operational but I still don't have Internet

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Ambit Wireless Cable Modem U10C019

Hi guys, Does anyone have experience pulling certs from a U10C019? If you can walk a modem does that mean you can pull it's certs?

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Mac Trading - Walsall and surrounding areas...

Looking to trade Mac's in Walsall and surrounding areas in West Mid's. Thanks

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increasing speeds

I have an old arris TM402 that was purchased through a friend who worked for TWC and has been active for the last 2+ years . I only get 12mb down and I was wondering how I can tweak this or increase...

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Sb6141 Flashing Help

Hi guys, can anyone help me with flashing info for the sb6141. wiring diagram? Thank you

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sbg901 can't access the modem's gui. Possibly blocked?

Hey guys, I have a sbg901 that seems to be locked by my ISP.  I cannot access the modem's configuration page.  ( It is the default gateway. Is there a way around this? Will installing an...

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Speed Help

My modem just recently stopped working, I got new cert for it and it worked again. However my speed used to be 20mbps up and 2Mbps down. Now its 0.10 mbps down and 0.05 mbps up. Can someone help me...

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derrick 5101u with usbjtag ???

Bricked a 5101u now I need to restore it

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