SBG901 memory dump
Wats up modem modding junkies, So I flashed my sb5100 with sb5100mod firmware. Now I'm trying to extract certs from sbg901 sub modem. The only problem is most threads i find are outdated for instance...
View Article6141 Latest Firmware
Hi everyone, Where can I get the latest firmware to flash my modem. Having a slew of issues with my ISP. They won't update the modem so hoping that changing the firmware will help. Appreciate any help.
View ArticleHow get certs from epc3208 or epc3928
Can someone help me from getting certs from this modems? There is any tutorial to putting wires and others metods to getting cert from original and working ISP modems from my friends and then put to my...
View ArticleArris DG2470
Hey, my ISP is rolling out the brand new Arris DG2470 Cannot find much documentation on it yet, so....anyone know anything about it? It appears to have very impressive speeds and really pushs DOCSIS...
View ArticleUncapping Fibre
So who on here has fibre op service and uses the acatel lucent modem? I have a theory I would like to test, but sadly I am not gonna be in a fibre area for another little while and dont have a fibre...
View ArticleComcrap Config name
Can anyone download this off of their TFTP? or is the info of use to anyone? Figured I would share anyway....Look at second last one from the bottom "Boot File"
View ArticleUSBJTAG
I have a question. A few years back i bought of BMT his usbjtag he was selling on his website. Somehow i lost the damn drivers now i cant use it to debrick/flash my 5101. Does anyone know how or where...
View ArticleRouter problem need help!
So I just bought a dlink 868l off ebay. While trying to set it up I discovered the ip login actually takes me to a website. Since I am using haxorware and need to set my dns service I cannot access to...
View ArticleFlats in Kochi for comfort zones
New deluxe flats in Kochi are becoming the favourite of generations as the most practical homes providing better convenience and new facilities to the residents in the metropolitan city. Most...
View ArticleInfo appreciated
First off i would like to say hi to everyone here. Im new to modding and i am trying to learn as much as possible. Unfortunatly i keep coming across outdated material for what i want to know. Just...
View ArticleCisco DTA 170HD
Anybody knows how to read the firmware from Cisco DTA 170HD by using UsbjtagNt or Usb Blackcat? Thanks in advance !
View ArticleWow, cw clueless!!
So at last, what I said before, AGAIN comes to pass.. seem's cablewizard's member's are experiencing the dreaded modem reset condition, ha, ha, f'n haha.. fix that ya loser theive's.. notice it only...
View Articlebeen away for a while
hi all I've got me usbjtag out the cupboard now looking for the files to get going again I've found a spi files but lost software can anyone help out much appreciated
View ArticleSBG941 just gave me one device conection
I have one sbg941 cable modem and its online but only gave me one device conection to internet, the other ones dont let me conect to internet. I think its a problem with max CPE buth i dont know how to...
View ArticleWINDOWS 10
has anyone used windows 10 to run any of the apps , like flashcat usb or usbjat nt?? I'm having a hell of a time trying to run mine (flashcat usb version 350) wont detect ..yes I understand Ive been...
View ArticleAny new scanners?
Anyone know of any new scanners out there like SnmpCfgAdmin that are built on newer mibs? hell even if someone took SNMPCfgAdmin and re-built it around newer Mibs that'd be great. I'm just looking for...
View ArticleCisco DTA 170HD
Anybody knows how to read the firmware from Cisco DTA 170HD by using UsbjtagNt or Usb Blackcat? Thanks in advance !
View ArticleSB6141 for $100 should I buy?
I see a SB6141 with Forceware 1.4 for sale for $100 is it worth it? I recently sold my SB6121 to a friend so Im wondering if I should just replace the 6121 or get a 6141. What you guys think?
View Articleneed firm sbg6580
hello, someone will have a backup of this modem that can provide me friends thanks in advance
View ArticleSBG6580 with shell
hello, so I had this modem sitting in my computer bag for close to 2 years now lol and I have been out of modem adventuring since 2009. anyways, SBG6580- this firm on it and...
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