please help Webstar DPC2100R2
1970-01-01 00:01:11 Critical T001.0 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing 1970-01-01 00:01:10 Notice M572.0 Ds Lock Failed - Reinitialize MAC... 1970-01-01...
View Articlesupersnmp0.0.12
This program keeps crashing. Is there a limit of the range I can put in. I did. X.1.1.1-X.255.255.255. Should I leave the max thread and timeout numbers as default? I had changed it to 999 and 2.
View Articlewhich modems r working for road runner d3
:huh:hello i been out of the since docsis2 and im trying to gather info on getting back to the game i have a usbjtag, and i hear that theres a 1click flash prog,can u share any light to this? and r the...
View ArticleFirmware
i need firmware,the latest firmware for sbg901 and sbg941 .p7 estension any one?
View ArticleHow can I find out how to config for my area
How can I find out how to config a modem with haxaware for my area Time Warner NW Ohio. I would like 30Mb down stream. Do I need a docsis 2 or docsis 3 modem? I was planning on cloning my own modem for...
View ArticleExtracting Certs of a dump or modem?
Hi Guys, is it possible to extract the actual certs of a modem or flash forceware on it and extract the certs via forceware? I try unpack a full backup of the dump, but inside the certs folder I found...
View ArticlePublic IP Address for ISP
How can one find the IP range for an ISP? I can see my own but what would be the full range? Say I get 59.X.X.X or 64.X.X.X. I want to know what else besides these.
View ArticleComcast Sued Over Router Update That Makes Your Wi-Fi Hotspot Public
Comcast Sued Over Router Update That Makes Your Wi-Fi Hotspot Public, Ignores Your Opt-Out Preferences from the pay-us-to-pay-us dept In June of last year, Comcast quietly announced that it was...
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What is the best modem for comcast xfinity service to learn on I'm not sure if I need two modems one untouched for subscription and one for haxorware
View Article5100i useless ?
years ago I used sigmax Version 1.06 RC4 BETA1 but docsis 3.0 output is now useless Have a solution for 5100i?
View Articlehow to get / download the config file from the server?
I know the config name, I know the server IP address but I cannot wget, nor tftp get it. I was able to download the config files about 5 years ago, but I do not remember how I did that. How the CM is...
View ArticleThe ingeniously sneaky tricks Comcast uses to get what it wants
One of the biggest mysteries in life is why a company that’s as universally hated as Comcast seems to get whatever it wants when it comes to merger approvals. Two new reports — one from Bloomberg and...
View ArticleWhat is the best modem for brighthouse cable road runner service
I trying to find out which modem is best to use in florida other then webby
View ArticleGetting ready to flash a 6121
Ok guys, after my bricking of a DPC3000 last year (the one that someone here kept), I am going to attempt to flash a 6121. I found a tutorial here but it involves soldering and ribbon cables. I dont...
View ArticleModem Docsis 3.0 Help
I am interested in a modem docsis 3.0 with 8 downstream channels and compatible with forceware or any firmware in which I can enable/disable bpi,bpi+ and change MAC and certfs. UsbJtagNT cable works in...
View ArticleLearning Resources
Hi all, I recently became interested in modem hacking by watching some defcon videos. My goal is to learn enough to be able to program and possibly contribute to this interesting area. I mostly program...
View ArticleXbox One SDK reportedly leaked by hackers in order to ‘end 2014 with a bang’
As if the massive DDoS attack from Lizard Squad wasn’t enough of a disastrous end to the year for Sony and Microsoft, a new group called H4LT has apparently leaked the Xbox One software development kit...
View ArticleSBG6580 Hardware version number?
Does anyone know how to tell the Hardware Version number of an SBG6580 modem from the label on the bottom? im thinking its the 3 middle numbers in the product number but im not sure P/N:570761-001-00...
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