Teacher: Okay kid's, take out 1 sheet of paper, and a pencil. I want you all to draw a hat, preferably design your own, try not to copy one you have seen. At the (apparent) end of the lesson, the teacher collect's all drawing's, and dismiss's class.
Weeks later.
Kid: "Please sir", "yes..?" - "I got it.." - "Um, please explain, what do you mean, you got it?" "The hat..?" - "Sorry, you've lost me.." - " You asked us to draw a hat? I got it!" To which the teacher take's out from the drawer all drawn picture's and look's for the kid's.. The teacher walks up to kid, showing her the picture she drew, to which the kid pulled the identical hat from her bag.
You see?
The power of the creative word, hence Re-Kr8, (re-create).
One or two in billions have this ability from the day they are born, in fact, all of us, since we're all equal.. it's up to those who catch on to know how to make the element's form in their own formed form, with nothing more than the kr8ive word.
The image when neo swallows the pill is what it's like when you choke for real. If it's bad enough you die. At this point is the image of the fact there's nothing you can do about it since your dead.
This 'symbolic' death was not by the hand of man, but the hand of nature.
Once learnt, it cannot be forgotten. And corruption will forever seek, that which the kid never knew, rekr8'd, the drawing of the hat. You see, upon completion of the drawing of the hat, everything in existance came together to re-kr8 the image on this earth.
Should the kid ever speak the Kr8ive word, everything shall cease to exist.
It's what's in the heart at the time of thinking, not the thought's, that we actualise on this earth. Who can interpret the kid, when we all think we know better? What was this the point of the teacher's lesson?
Weeks later.
Kid: "Please sir", "yes..?" - "I got it.." - "Um, please explain, what do you mean, you got it?" "The hat..?" - "Sorry, you've lost me.." - " You asked us to draw a hat? I got it!" To which the teacher take's out from the drawer all drawn picture's and look's for the kid's.. The teacher walks up to kid, showing her the picture she drew, to which the kid pulled the identical hat from her bag.
You see?
The power of the creative word, hence Re-Kr8, (re-create).
One or two in billions have this ability from the day they are born, in fact, all of us, since we're all equal.. it's up to those who catch on to know how to make the element's form in their own formed form, with nothing more than the kr8ive word.
The image when neo swallows the pill is what it's like when you choke for real. If it's bad enough you die. At this point is the image of the fact there's nothing you can do about it since your dead.
This 'symbolic' death was not by the hand of man, but the hand of nature.
Once learnt, it cannot be forgotten. And corruption will forever seek, that which the kid never knew, rekr8'd, the drawing of the hat. You see, upon completion of the drawing of the hat, everything in existance came together to re-kr8 the image on this earth.
Should the kid ever speak the Kr8ive word, everything shall cease to exist.
It's what's in the heart at the time of thinking, not the thought's, that we actualise on this earth. Who can interpret the kid, when we all think we know better? What was this the point of the teacher's lesson?