It's defo not new, but worth looking at..
An explanation of why I post this:
In many device's, there are indeed backdoors. nSA style backdoors.
Dell bios's actually have an open port exactly the same as this built into the bios.
This Sercomm is in more device's than you know, and if your using a router, it's there, wether the exploit works, that's down to the firmware allowing, or even showing it..
It's the haxorware httpd task in your haxed modem
An explanation of why I post this:
In many device's, there are indeed backdoors. nSA style backdoors.
Dell bios's actually have an open port exactly the same as this built into the bios.
This Sercomm is in more device's than you know, and if your using a router, it's there, wether the exploit works, that's down to the firmware allowing, or even showing it..
It's the haxorware httpd task in your haxed modem